Blue Ribbon Baseball Receives Traffic Approval From WisDOT


The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (Wis DOT) has reviewed the site and traffic information provided regarding the above reference developed. WisDOT will not require the preparation of an updated Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA}, but requests that screening be placed along the 1-94 right-of-way to keep balls and any other sporting equipment from leaving the site and entering the highway right-of-way. 

A TIA is not being required since the site use intensity will be low on normal days of operation. During large events such as baseball games, traffic should be monitored to ensure that reasonable operations are occurring and that no safety issues are created. If it is found that issues are occurring, WisDOT requests that the City of Oconomowoc and the development owners coordinate with us to determine the appropriate remedy. Remedies could include police traffic enforcement, barricades to direct traffic to specific intersections or other appropriate remedy. 

The screening for the 1-94 right-of-way shall be designed to prevent the potential of vehicles on 1- 94 or the off-ramp from being struck by any ball or any other sporting equipment. Please have copies of the screening system design provided to Wis DOT for review when completed.